Watchman Willie Martin Archive


������������ A Partial List of the CIA's Covert Terror Operations

������� Date:

������������ Tue, 26 Nov 2002 18:40:59 ‑0500

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������������ ‑= o��m���� K��ob� =‑ <[email protected]>

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������������ Rebel Alliance Galactic Usenet News Service


������������ Rebel Alliance Galactic Usenet News Service


������������ alt.politics.bush, soc.culture.jewish, soc.culture.yugoslavia,

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������������ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11

This only goes up to 1984, so it doesn't include too much info on the

CIA's support of the Taliban, etc...

1946: GREECE. Restore monarch after overthrow of Metaxas government.


1946‑1955: WEST GERMANY. Average of $6 million annually to support

former Nazi intelligence network of General Reinhard Gehlen.


1948‑1968: ITALY. Average of $30 million annually in payments to

political and labor leaders to supportanti‑ Communist candidates in

Italian elections. Successful.

1949: GREECE. Military assistance to anti‑Communist forces in Greek

civil war. Successful.

1949‑1953: UKRAINE. Organize and support a Ukrainian resistance

movement. Unsuccessful.

1949‑1961: BURMA. Support 12,000 Nationalist China troops in Burma

under General Li Mi as an incursion force into People's Republic of

China. Unsuccessful.

1950‑1952: POLAND. Financial and military assistance for Polish

Freedom and Independence Movement. Unsuccessful.

1950: ALBANIA. Overthrow government of Enver Hoxha. Unsuccessful.

1951‑1954: CHINA. Airdrop guerilla teams into People's Republic of

China. Unsuccessful.

1953: IRAN. Overthrow Mossadegh government and install Zahedi. Cost:

$10 million. Successful.

1953: PHILLIPINES. Assassination and propaganda campaign to overcome

Huk resistance and install government of Ramon Magsaysay. Successful.

1953: COSTA RICA. Overthrow government of Jose Figueres. Unsuccessful.

1954: SOUTH VIETNAM. Install government of Ngo Dinh Diem. Successful.

1954: WEST GERMANY. Arrange abduction and discreditation of West

German intelligence chief Otto John, and replace with Reinhard Gehlen.


1954: GUATEMALA. Overthrow government of Jacobo Arbenz Guzman and

replace with Carlos Castillo Armas. Successful.

1955: CHINA. Assassinate Zhou Enlai en route to Bandung Conference.


1956: HUNGARY. Financial and military assistance to organize and

support a Hungarian resistance movement, and broad propaganda campaign

to encourage it. Unsuccessful.

1956: CUBA. Establish anti‑Communist police force, Buro de Represion

Actividades Communistas (BRAC) under Batista regime. Successful.

1956: EGYPT. Overthrow Nasser government. Unsuccessful.

1956: SYRIA. Overthrow Ghazzi government. Aborted by Israeli invasion

of Egypt.

1956‑1957: JORDAN. Average of $750,000 annually in personal payments

to King Hussein. According to United States government, payments

ceased when disclosed in 1976.

1957: LEBANON. Financial assistance for the election of pro‑American

candidates to Lebanese Parliament. Successful.

1958: INDONESIA. Financial and military assistance, including B‑26

bombers, for revel forces attempting to overthrow Sukarno government.


1958‑1961: TIBET. Infiltrate Tibetan guerrillas trained in United

States to fight Chinese Communists. Unsuccessful.

1959: CAMBODIA. Assassinate Prince Norodum Shianouk. Unsuccessful.

1960: GUATEMALA. Military assistance, including the use of B‑26

bombers for government of Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes to defeat rebel

forces. Successful.

1960: ANGOLA. Financial and military assistance to rebel forces of

Holden Roberto. Inconclusive.

1960: LAOS. Military assistance, including 400 United States Special

Forces troops, to deny the Plain of Jars bad Mekong Basin to Pathet

Lao. Inconclusive.

1961‑1965: LAOS. Average of $300 million annually to recruit and

maintain L'Armee Clandestine of 35,000 Hmong and Meo tribesmen and

17,000 Thai mercenaries in support of government of Phoumi Nosavan to

resist Pathet Lao. Successful.

1961‑1963: CUBA. Assassinate Fidel Castro. Six attempts in this

period. Unsuccessful.

1961: CUBA. Train and support invasion force of Cuban exiles to

overthrow Castro government, and assist their invasion at the Bay of

Pigs. Cost: $62 million. Unsuccessful.

1961: ECUADOR. Overthrow government of Hose Velasco Ibarra.


1961: CONGO. Precipitate conditions leading to assassination of

Patrice Lumumba. Successful.

1961: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Precipitate conditions leading to

assassination of Rafael Trujillo. Successful.

1961‑1966: CUBA. Broad sabotage program, including terrorist attacks

on coastal targets and bacteriological warfare, in effort to weaken

Castro government. Unsuccessful.

1962: THAILAND. Brigade of 5,000 United States Marines to resist

threat to Thai government from Pathet Lao. Successful.

1962‑1964: BRITISH GUIANA. Organize labor strikes and riots to

overthrow government of Cheddi Jagan. Successful.

1962‑1964: BRAZIL. Organize campaign of labor strike and propaganda to

overthrow government of Joao Goulart. Successful.

1963: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Overthrow government of Juan Bosch in

military coup. Successful.

1963: SOUTH VIETNAM. Precipitate conditions leading to assassination

of Ngo Dinh Diem. Successful.

1963: ECUADOR. Overthrow government of Carlos Julio Arosemena.


1963‑1984: EL SALVADOR. Organize ORDEN and ANSESAL domestic

intelligence networks under direction of General Jose Alberto Medrano

and Colonel Nicolas Carranza, and provide intelligence support and

training in surveillance, interrogation and assassination techniques.


1963‑1973: IRAQ. Financial and military assistance for Freedom Party

of Mulla Mustafa al Barzani in effort to establish independent

Kurdistan. Unsuccessful.

1964: CHILE. $20 million in assistance for Eduardo Frei to defeat

Salvador Allende in Chilean elections.Successful.



in assassination and interrogation techniques for police and

intelligence personnel. Inconclusive.

1964: CONGO. Financial and military assistance, including B‑26 and

T‑28 aircraft, and American and exiled Cuban pilots, for Joseph Mobutu

and Cyril Adoula, and later for Moise Tshombe in Katanga, to defeat

rebel forces loyal to Lumumba. Successful.

1964‑1967: SOUTH VIETNAM. Phoenix Program to eliminate Viet Cong

political infrastructure through more than 20,000 assassinations.

Infiltrated by Viet Cong and only partially successful.

1964‑1971: NORTH VIETNAM. Sabotage and ambush missions under

Operations Plan 34A by United States Special Forces and Nung

tribesmen. Inconclusive.

1965‑1971: LAOS. Under Operations Shining Brass and Prairie Fire,

sabotage and ambush missions by United States Special Forces personnel

and Nung and Meo tribesmen under General Bang Pao. Inconclusive.

1965: THAILAND. Recruit 17,000 mercenaries to support Laotian

government of Phoumi Nosavan resisting Pathet Lao. Successful. 1965:

PERU. Provide training in assassination and interrogation techniques

for Peruvian police and intelligence personnel, similar to training

given in Uruguay, Brazil and Dominican Republic, in effort to defeat

resistance movement. Unsuccessful.

1965: INDONESIA. Organize campaign of propaganda to overthrow Sukarno

government, and precipitate conditions leading to massacre of more

than 500,000 members of Indonesian Communist Party, in order to

eliminate opposition to new Suharto government. Successful.

1967: BOLIVIA. Assist government in capture of Ernesto Che Guevara.


1967: GREECE. Overthrow government of George Papandreou and install

military government of Colonel George Papadopolous after abdication of

King Constantine. Successful.

1967‑1971: CAMBODIA. Under Projects Daniel Boone and Salem House,

sabotage and ambush missions by United States Special Forces personnel

and Meo tribesmen. Inconclusive.

1969‑1970: CAMBODIA. Bombing campaign to crush Viet Cong sanctuaries

in Cambodia. Unsuccessful.

1970: CAMBODIA. Overthrow government of Prince Norodom Sihanouk.


1970‑1973: CHILE. Campaign of assassinations, propaganda, labor

strikes and demonstrations to overthrow government of Salvador

Allende. Cost: $8,400,000. Successful.

1973‑1978: AFGHANISTAN. Military and financial assistance to

government of Mohammed Duad to resist rise to power of Noor Mohammed

Taraki. Unsuccessful.

1975: PORTUGAL. Overthrow government of General Vasco dos Santos

Goncalves. Successful.

1975: ANGOLA. Military assistance to forces of Holden Roberto and

Jonas Savimbi to defeat forces of Popular Movement for the Liberation

of Angola (MPLA) during Angolan civil war, and prevent MPLA from

forming new government. Unsuccessful.

1975: AUSTRALIA. Propaganda and political pressure to force

dissolution of labor government of Gough Whitlam. Successful. 1976:

JAMAICA. Military coup to overthrow government of Michael Manley.


1976‑1984: ANGOLA. Financial and military assistance to forces of

Jonas Savimbi to harass and destabilize Neto and succeeding

governments. Inconclusive.

1979: IRAN. Install military government to replace Shah and resist

growth of Moslem fundamentalism. Unsuccessful.

1979‑1980: JAMAICA. Financial pressure to destabilize government of

Michael Manley, and campaign propaganda and demonstrations to defeat

it in elections. Successful.

1979: AFGHANISTAN. Military aid to rebel forces of Zia Nezri, Zia Khan

Nassry, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, Sayed Ahmed Gailani and conservative

mullahs to overthrow government of Hafizullah Amin. Aborted by Soviet

intervention and installation of new government.

1980‑1984: AFGHANISTAN. Continuing military aid to same rebel groups

to harass Soviet occupation forces and challenge legitimacy of

government of Babrak Karmal.

1979: SEYCHELLES. Destabilize government of France Albert Rene.


1980: GRENADA. Mercenary coup to overthrow government of Maurice

Bishop. Successful.

1980: DOMINICA. Financial support to Freedom Party of Eugenia Charles

to defeat Oliver Seraphim in Dominican elections. Successful.

1980: GUYANA. Assassinate opposition leader Walter Rodney to

consolidate power of government of Forbes Burnham. Successful.

1980‑1984: NICARAGUA. Military assistance to Adolfo Colero

Portocarrero, Alfonso Robelo, Alfonso Callejas, Fernando Chamorro

Rappacioli, Eden Pastora Gomez, Adrianna Guillen, Steadman Fagoth and

former Somoza National Guard officers, to recruit, train and equip

anti‑ Sandinista forces for sabotage and terrorist incursions into

Nicaragua from sanctuaries in Honduras and Costa Rica, in effort to

destabilize government of Daniel Ortega Saavedra.

1981: SEYCHELLES. Military coup to overthrow government of France

Albert Rene. Unsuccessful. 1981‑1982: MAURITIUS. Financial support to

Seewoosagar Ramgoolam to bring him to power in 1982 elections.


1981‑1984: LIBYA. Broad campaign of economic pressure, propaganda,

military maneuvers in Egypt, Sudan and Gulf of Sidra, and organization

if Libyan Liberation Front exiles to destabilize government of Muammar

Qaddafi. Inconclusive.

1982: CHAD. Military assistance to Hissen Habre to overthrow

government of Goukouni Oueddei. Successful.

1982: GUATEMALA. Military coup to overthrow government of Angel Anibal

Guevara. Successful.

1982: BOLIVIA. Military coup to overthrow government of Celso

Torrelio. Successful.

1982: JORDAN. Military assistance to equip and train two Jordanian

brigades as an Arab strike force to implement United States policy

objectives without Israeli assistance.

1982‑1983: SURINAM. Overthrow government of Colonel Desi Bouterse.

Three attempts in this period. Unsuccessful.

1984: EL SALVADOR. $1.4 million in financial support for the

Presidential election campaign of Jose Napoleon Duarte. Successful.

Appendix II

Reference Materials